How to create table of contents in word for mac
How to create table of contents in word for mac

An easy way to get around that is to use a different Heading here. But if I make that a Heading it's going to include that in the Table of Contents. But what makes sense is maybe to make that a Heading. I could just type Table of Contents there. Now I've got this extra page here that just has a Table of Contents.

how to create table of contents in word for mac

I've got this title page and may want to add other things to it like copyright information there. So now the Table of Contents appears on its own page. First, let's add a page break right after here, after the byline. Now let's work a little bit on this Table of Contents. You could see here it's only using the Heading style.

how to create table of contents in word for mac

So let's click that and now it's going to show us a List of all the Styles and whether or not the style is used to generate the Table of Contents. I could now switch this to be only the Section's Table of Contents if I want. So those three choices before they weren't permanent. If I switch to Table of Contents you could see here I could change the type of Table of Contents. Now why did it choose Heading for the Style? Why didn't it use Title or other types of styles? So if I select the Table of Contents like this and you can see it all highlights under the Format sidebar I've got Text and Table of Contents. It knows there are five chapters simply because it's looking for every paragraph that styled using Heading. So if I look here at the first chapter there's the Heading and you could see it's shown here along with a page number. The name of each one of these is taken from the Heading for the chapters. It's going to say Generating a Table of Contents here and you'll see this appear here and you'll see this one has got five chapters. In most cases you're going to want to create one for the entire document. A Table of Contents for an entire Document, a Table of Contents for this section only, or a Table of Contents that will cover everything until the next Table of Contents. Now I'm going to go to Insert and then Table of Contents. I'm not going to worry about inserting a page break or anything like that because that will happen automatically. So at the beginning here I'm going to place the text cursor just before the start of the first chapter. Since I've set it up this way I can now automatically generate a table of contents very easily.

how to create table of contents in word for mac

If I scroll long enough I'll get to chapter two and I'll see that that also is using the Style Heading here for the name of the chapter. The rest is set to Body Text or some of the other styles used here. I also have at the beginning of each chapter a Heading and I've set the Style to Heading.

how to create table of contents in word for mac

I'm only using that and at the top here I have a title and notice I have set the Style to Title. The text that flows automatically from page to page in the document. As an example here I've created a word processing document. So if you're creating a long document, like a report or a book, in Pages you have the ability to automatically generate a Table of Contents using a special feature. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. There you could read more about the Patreon Campaign. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 1000 supporters.

How to create table of contents in word for mac how to#

Let me show you how to use the Table of Contents feature in Mac Pages. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out Building a Table Of Contents In Mac Pages at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

How to create table of contents in word for mac