East Coast: Georgia Coastal Ecosystems (GCE), Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR), and Plum Island Ecosystems (PIE). This study used the analyzing moving boundaries using R (AMBUR) tool kit to measure approximately 70 years of edge change at salt marshes within three Long-Term Ecological Research sites along the U.S. Marshes are valuable intertidal habitats that respond to changes in their environment, and their perimeters can rapidly advance or retreat over time. Assessing long-term trends in lateral salt-marsh shoreline change along a U.S. To situate the double dispossession narrative within a broader praxis that imagines alternative futures, we till the soil, trace the archives, and tread the marsh and drainage ditches with each other, and in solidarity with other residents, to work toward achieving agricultural revival, property retention, and flood risk mitigation.īurns, C., Alexander, C.R. Although such displacement precipitates loss through harm and violence, in this article we share strategies from abolition ecology praxis to “blockade” these double dispossession processes and, to a degree, even the narrative of loss.

Here, we argue that racial coastal formations are still underway in how sea-level rise and gentrification are leading to a double dispossession of land and displacing Gullah/Geechee people on Sapelo Island. Recognizing such, we argue that land futures strategies in the face of rising seas must account for multiple capitalist modes of accumulation but specifically the primitive accumulation process connected to heirs’ property. More than mitigating flood risk when developing Black land futures strategies, to mitigate coastal land loss in the face of rising seas necessitates dismantling “racial regimes of ownership” that are imbued in property relations. We argue that sea-level rise is environmental racism, if not always in its racialized outcomes of disproportionate harms, then always in its racialized production of differential value. An abolitionist climate justice praxis necessitates seeing beyond physical inundation to sea-level rise as the sole issue. Narratives of resilience to sea-level rise too often perpetuate social violence. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. “We’re still here”: An abolition ecology blockade of double dispossession of Gullah/Geechee land. Our study illustrates the value of examining population densities across multiple sites and years, because results from any one site or year would likely have mischaracterized the spatial and temporal distribution of this common salt marsh consumer. A possible explanation for this pattern is that plant nutrientsmay be diluted in years with high plant biomass.We found little evidence that density of animal prey (Prokelisia spp.) or abiotic factors affected O. fidicinium and current year plant biomass were typically negative (more grasshoppers in years with lower plant biomass). Regressionmodels indicated that current year plant biomass (three sites) or previous year plant biomass (one site) was the best predictor of O. fidicinium was common, densities varied greatly among years. fidicinium require terrestrial habitat for reproduction or escape from predators during extreme high tides.

alterniflora from both types of sites did not differ in growth rates, ruling out food quality as an explanation. fidicinium than sites with little adjacent upland.

Sites with considerable adjacent upland habitat had higher densities of O. We examined spatial (34 sites) and temporal (4 sites, 17 years) variation in O. The most important salt marsh orthopteran on the East Coast of the US is Orchelimum fidicinium, an omnivore that feeds on cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and arthropods. (DOI: )ĭensities of Orthoptera typically vary greatly over space and time. Variation in Densities of the Salt Marsh Katydid Orchelimum fidicinium over Space and Time. No Abstracts EndNote Text Journal ArticlesĪdams, T., Vu, H.